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My Students



Doctoral Students (Full time):



Title of thesis


Visits abroad during PhD/funding

Present Address

N. Radhakrishnan


Spatial and temporal analysis of the groundwater environment of a minor river basin in Tamil Nadu, India using remote sensing and GIS

- Singapore

Managing Director,

Geo Sensing Pvt. Ltd,


N. Rajmohan


Hydrogeochemical studies in a part of Palar and Cheyyar river basin, Tamil Nadu, India

  Australia/Aus-India project

Associate Professor
Water Research Center
King Abdulaziz University

Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

D. Gnanasundar


Hydrogeochemical studies and regional flow modelling of South Chennai Sandy Aquifer


Sweden/World Water Week


Central Ground Water Board,

Govt. of India, Chennai

M. Senthilkumar


Hydrogeological modelling and hydrochemical characterisation of Palar Basin




Central Ground Water Board,

Govt. of India, Chennai

R. Kannan


Migration of major ions and agrochemicals in unsaturated zone

DST Indo-Russia -

Assistant Professor,

Centre for Water Studies,

Sathyabama University, Chennai

C. Sivakumar


Hydrochemistry and solute transport modelling to study the impact of tsunami on groundwater quality in Kalpakkam, Southern India



Govt of Qatar


K. Ramesh


Hydrochemical studies and effect of irrigation on groundwater quality in Tondiar basin, Tamil Nadu


Asst. Professor,

Centre for Water Resources,

Anna University,


N.G. Anuthaman 2007-2010 Groundwater augmentation by flood mitigation in Chennai region – A modelling based study - -

Associate Professor,

Centre for Water Resources,

Anna University,


E. Vetrimurugan


Hydrogeochemical studies and solute transport modelling to understand the variation in groundwater quality of a part of Cauvery delta, India



Department of Hydrology,

University of Zululand

South Africa

K. Brindha


Assessment of fluoride and uranium in groundwater and hydrogeochemical modelling in a proposed uranium tailings pond area, southern India



Switzerland/EU project

Lecturer in Hydrogeology,

Water Resources and Ecosystems Department,  Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands

R. Rajesh


Hydrogeology and hydrogeochemical characterisation of groundwater of a part of Nalgonda District, Andhra Pradesh, India

BRNS Germany/EU project

Assistant Professor, Centre for Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai

S. Sathish


Geophysical, Geochemical Studies and Groundwater Modelling in South Chennai Coastal Aquifer




University of Rome Sapienza
Rome, Italy

R. Murugan


Modelling of groundwater flow and radionuclide transport around a proposed uranium tailings pond, Nalgonda district, Andhra Pradesh, India

BRNS Italy/Erasmus

Researcher, Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), Germany

L. Kalpana 2009- 2014 Regional hydrochemistry and flow modelling of Pambar sub-basin, Tamil Nadu, India UGC Sweden/SIDA

Assistant Geologist,

Water Resources  Department,

Govt. of Tamil Nadu

S. Parimala Renganayaki

2010- 2014 Evaluation of impact of check dam as a method of managed aquifer recharge DST Sweden/SIDA

Switzerland/EU project

Asso. Professor, 

School of Civil Engineering,

VIT University, Vellore

S. Suganthi 2010- 2018 Assessment of land subsidence using space borne advanced synthetic aperture radar data in a large metropolitan city of India ISRO -

Assistant Geologist,

Water Resources  Department,

Govt. of Tamil Nadu

S.P Rajaveni 2011- 2015 Integrated approach for modelling runoff, infiltration and density dependent groundwater flow: A case study in seawater intruded coastal aquifer north of Chennai, India EC Sweden/SIDA

France-Netherlands/EU project

Research Associate, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune

G. Jagadeshan 2011- 2016 Geochemical reactions responsible for fluoride rich groundwater and remediation by induced recharge in Vaniyar river basin, Tamil Nadu, India UGC Germany/DST

Assistant Geologist,

Water Resources  Department,

Govt. of Tamil Nadu

Indu. S. Nair 2011- 2016 Assessment of seawater intrusion in alluvial aquifers by hydrochemical-isotopic signatures and geochemical modelling DST Sweden/SIDA


Consultant - Hydrogeology and Environmental Services, Dubai
S. Prabhakaran 2012-2017 Mesh-Less Finite Volume Method for Three Dimensional Unsteady State Groundwater Flow and Transport through Saturated Porous Medium DST -

Assistant Professor,

PSG College of Arts and Science,


(Joint Supervisor)

Raicy. M. Christy 2012- 2018 Assessment of effect of ponds for mitigating seawater intrusion EC France-Netherlands/EU project



Centre for Water Resources Development and Management, Kozhikode

M. Thirumurugan 2013- 2019 Hydrogeological investigation and subsurface characterisation by Geological, Geophysical and Geochemical methods BRNS Sweden/SIDA

Assistant Professor,

Dept. of Geology,

V. O. Chidambaram College,


S. Anbarasu 2015- 2021 Influence of weathering and fractures on groundwater flow and quality UGC-NET - Junior Research  Fellow
G. Gowrisankar 2015- 2020 Managed aquifer recharge by a check dam to mitigate the problem of fluoride rich groundwater: A case study DST PURSE Germany/IGCS Senior Project Associate, Divecha Centre for Climate Change, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru
S. Manoj 2015- 2019 Hydrogeochemistry to assess and groundwater in uranium mineralised region of Gogi Karnataka BRNS Germany/DST Guest Lecturer,  University of Madras
P. Anandharuban 2016- 2021 Integrated modelling of rainfall-runoff process and reservoir operation for balancing water supply and flood mitigation: A case study from Chennai, India ACRF/DST Italy/DST Post Doctoral Fellow, Water, Energy and Environmental Engineering Research Unit, University of Oulu, Finland
R. RamyaPriya 2016- 2019 Assessment of carbon flux in a major tropical river of southern India and its implication on climate change ISRO Italy/DST Scientist, Central Water Power Research Station (CWPRS), Pune
V. Manivannan 2017-2021 Seawater intrusion along the Indian coast and in Sankaraparani river basin using muti- techniques approach MoES Germany/IGCS South Korea/DST Spain/CSIR


Centre for Urbanization, Buildings & Environment (CUBE),

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Ch. Samurembi Chanu 2017 2021 Impact of urbanisation and climate change on groundwater resources of Chennai region DST Germany/DST Canada/IAHS Scientist, Manipur State Remote Sensing Centre
Sajil Kumar P.J 2018-2023 Potential of natural groundwater recharge in the Chennai Basin with a special emphasis on the urban area -   Consultant, Berlin, Germany.

(Joint Supervisor for the work carreid out at the Free University Berlin)

V K. Haritha 2017- till date Innovative methods to increase groundwater recharge from the MAR sites DST-INSPIRE Germany/UGC Indo German Project Junior Research Fellow
Bhavya Ravinder 2018-2023 Nature inspired probabilistic uncertainty analysis of a groundwater flow and radionuclide transport model for a uranium tailings pond area  BRNS Germany/UGC Indo German Project; Spain IAHR Conf Post Doc, Danish Technical University, Denmark
Razi Sadath 2018- till date A multifaceted modelling approach for estimating the impact of climate change and urbanisation on coastal groundwater: A case study from Chennai, India DST Italy/DST Junior Research Fellow
M. Rinisha Kartheeshwari 2019-till date Identification of measures to augment groundwater storage and flood control by modelling DST Germany/UGC Indo German Project Junior Research Fellow
L. Keerthan 2019-till date Major, minor and carbon chemistry of estuarine part of Cauvery river and its relevance to climate change ISRO France/ IAHS


Junior Research Fellow


Post Doctoral Fellows




Title of the project

Visits abroad

Funding Agency


February 2012 -March 2013

MAR for coping with sea-water intrusion and groundwater overexploitation in an aquifer used for drinking water production in Chennai, India


European Commission funded

Saph Pani Project


March 2013 - August 2014

MAR for coping with sea-water intrusion and groundwater overexploitation in an aquifer used for drinking water production in Chennai, India


European Commission funded

Saph Pani Project

Dr.S. Parimala Renganayaki

September 2014 - March 2015

Managed aquifer recharge: An integrated approach for assessing the impact of a check dam


DST WOS Scientist


February 2015-February 2018

Evaluation of Chromium contamination by Delta Chromium-53/52 Isotopic techniques and Groundwater Modelling in Tannery industrial area of Ambur, Tamil Nadu


UGC- Dr. D. S. Kothari Post-Doctoral Fellowship


July 2015- April 2018

Effect of Climate change on Land use / Land cover and its impact on Groundwater Quality in the Tamiraparani basin, South India


UGC- Dr. D. S. Kothari Post-Doctoral Fellowship


October 2015- October 2016

Geological mapping of foundation strata for the waste disposal site, Kalpakkam


Larson & Toubro Ltd


July 2017- till date

Effect of rock weathering on groundwater chemistry


UGC- Dr. D. S. Kothari Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Dr. S. Manoj June 2019 Mitigating fluoride rich groundwater by MAR Germany SERB, Govt of India
Dr. R. RamyaPriya September 2019 Hydrogeochemistry of Cauvery river USA NRSC, ISRO





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